Sunday, September 17, 2006

B204i head on B212 block

I put a 96 newgen head on a B201 block that I had bored to fit B212 pistons. The ports flow better, and the intake valves are 1mm larger than B2x2 intake valves. My head has had some minor port work done, too.

Couple things:
  • The newgen head is THINNER than the B2x2 heads; this retards cam timing 2 crankshaft degrees -- if you cannot tolerate two degrees, then you need to run cams from a newgen head, not a B2x2 head. Because you need a slotted exhaust cam to run your distributor, this means your exhaust cam needs to come from a non-turbo newgen 900 that ran Motronic (mid-90s).
  • Use B2x2 cam gears. Use a B2x2 coolant temp sensor (at the front of the head).
  • I neglected to measure combustion chamber volume. On the web, one poster says it's 50 cc's and another says it's 44.8. YOU SHOULD MEASURE IT and are an IDIOT if you don't and put a head on to find it doesn't work right (this, coming from an idiot who didn't CC the head first).
  • The B202 intake supposedly does not fit without modification. I was able to get a B212 intake manifold to bolt on without modification; however, the port matching is VERY close, and my machinist asked that I do everything possible to mount the manifold as high as possible with respect to the head. After 20k miles, it works perfectly.
  • The head can be modified WITHOUT welding: your machinist needs to mill out a space to fit a plate of aluminum to bridge the space between firewall-end timing cover bolt holes. The plate is epoxied in.
  • For power steering, see pics below. For AC, you're on your own, but could do something similar to the PS bracket I fab'd.
  • For a good online calculator, see the excellent not2fast website.
  • This is an INCOMPLETE LIST of details. YOU are responsible for making your own head swap work; reliance on a some online "recipe" from some anonymous source (that'd be moi) is folly.
  • When I have some time, I'll try to add more details. In the meantime, here are some pics (the first one I found on the intarweb, the rest are my engine)...

Here's the gap at the timing cover:

Here's the customized motor mount bracket:

A shot of the PS bracket, as well as the cover-to-head area post-modification:

Another shot of the bracket:
Hey, why not another pic of the bracket?

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Uno mas...


Blogger Unknown said...

is possible put a b202 engine on saab 99 model, the year of mfg is 77, or I think is possible fidt the B212 engine on the same car?

3:50 PM  

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